Wednesday, July 30, 2014

WLFEO Wednesday- sisters

I was stuck about what to write today when my Dad phoned from Canada and our chat inspired me to write about the special friendships that blossom from our First and Finest sisterhood. 

I had always wanted to join a sorority when I went to University and was super excited to rush in the fall 2000! What I hadn't thought about was how strong the bond of sisterhood could be and about the lifelong friendships that it would lay the foundation for. 

The girls I met my freshman year through the sorority have remained in contact over 14 years later, they flew across the world to attend our wedding and are still there for support through the ups and downs that life presents. 
My Dad and I were talking about people, choices and friends- deep and meaningful start to the morning! Anyways, he mentioned that old saying about being able to count your true friends on one hand- you know it is so true. There aren't many friendships that withstand the various chapters throughout life. I chat to one particular sister and my BFF everyday thanks go the developments with technology today. 
I am so thankful to ADPi for this big Lion Sis- we've been through a lot together and no matter how many oceans apart we are- she's always there for me. Thank you! 

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