Thursday, July 17, 2014

Treat Thursday- 3 cafés to try in Amsterdam

For those of you who follow our blog, this is a continuation of our day in Amsterdam. For those of you who are foodies and are just tuning in, I hope you enjoy these three reviews of cafés along our meander through the city. 

Our trip to the city was a family friendly day without the green leaf cafés, but with food and booze! 
If you haven't been pregnant, the baby bump has it's own agenda and as I produce big boys mine like to eat ALOT and when the bump is hungry it needs feeding NOW! So we had to stop frequently for refuelling about every 90 minutes, think it shocked my sister-in-law that in 6 hours we stopped 4 times!! 

Food stops:
1. Caffe Tazzina- was sidewalk cafe overlooking the canal and a mechanical bridge. It was right on the street but not one car passed and as the cyclist went by it didn't interrupt the quiet happenings of the neighbourhood. They offered a range of sandwiches and sweet options along with the local daily papers. There were several locals leisurely enjoying a coffee and the paper. Their loo is tiny and at the top if a vertically spiral staircase. Nice, friendly and English-speaking service. 
Super fresh mint tea! Great for digestion and you skin! 
Traditional ham and cheese toasted sandwich-yum! 

2. Cafe Hegeraad- was our next stop and they had tables on the edge of the square which is great for people watching and for my son who could run around & chase the pigeons! 
Beer o'clock- we sampled Amstel, the local beer (mines a mini beer 1/4 pint)! Another traditional snack to accommodate beers are bittenballen, they're deep fried balls of potato & meat that can be dipped in grey poupon mustard. It takes about 10-15 minutes to prepare, so they're not a quick snack but they are very moorish! Again this cafe environment is very relaxing with table service and a waitress who speaks moderate English. 

3. The ice cream and hotdog stand run by a family in the park. 

4. Blauwe Theehuis- is a big two story bar in the centre of Vondel Park where people congregate for drinks and nachos. It's a lovely sun trap and super busy, but enough traffic passes through that there's seating for everyone. Inside is a tiny bar that you order drinks and food from. The most popular snack is their 'nachos' which is actually tortilla chips with a side of guacamole. They have a simple selection of drinks with only one choice of each colour of wine, 4 beers on tap and a few common soft drinks, so it doesn't take long to be served and to receive your drinks. 
The park is on the opposite side of the city to the train station, but there are trams that take you door to door if you don't fancy the walk. Happy munching, Bon appetite! 

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