Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunny Sunday- an afternoon in Milford

My brother & partner were down from London to stay with us for the weekend, and today was the Milford Music Festival and a glorious day, so we went for the afternoon. The Green was filled with stalls selling goodies like handbags and Pimms. They also had a stage was set up for groups to perform- some were better than others but it was well attended. 

We then wandered along the cliff top people watching & enjoying the view. 

The Westover Hall was taken over by a brewery a couple years ago, now called The Beach House, and has recently been refurbished so we went for drinks & nibbles. 

They've changed the service routine which makes it much more efficient for serving larger numbers and a higher turnover. You order drinks and food at the bar with a table number unless you're eating in the restaurant then it's the normal table service. They have moved the toilets to the basement and also have a outdoor exit so it's great for the flow if traffic and doesn't smell! 

It's a great venue for a private function, family occasion or just to relax and enjoy the view in the garden. If you're in town I would recommend stopping by for a drink or two! 

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