Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WLFEO Wed- letters around the world

As you know Monica and I travel somewhere in the world together every year, well we've also included a sorority based tradition of getting matching letters for each tradition and at some point in our adventure we have a picture taken to remember the trip. 

Adventure 2011- ADPi HQ, Atlanta, Georgia USA 

Last year we were in Lille, France over Halloween, so we wore our letters and kitten ears and we had a new arrival with us, so we dressed Alfie up as Superman! Needless to say we attracted quite a bit of attention especially since France isn't big on celebrating Halloween! 

Adventure 2013- Lille, France 

As Monica and I still do quite a bit of travelling on our own, I try to bring my letters as often as weather permits to show our Pi love during all of our travels because we're only a text away and we're creating new experiences to share with our BVF followers! 

Pi love- Dartmouth, Devon UK 


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