Thursday, June 19, 2014

Treatday Thursday- French patisserie

I'm very lucky to have an amazing mother-in-law! We were sent into town by the boys to pick up supplies for the boat before we sailed off to Salcombe and typical guy style we were asked how long we'd be (me having spent the influential years with my Dad was specific & had the intention of being quick- no stops, just pick up supplies and return to the boat) my lovely mother-in-law had other intentions and was a bit more vague... So we ran errands girly style- got the jobs done, stopped for coffee & a pastry, shopped a bit, then ran an extra errand request for the boys and blamed our 'extended' errands trip on them! 

I had left my phone on charge, so I've had to borrow pictures from their website 

We went to this lovely authentic French Patisserie called Saveurs for coffee and croissants- yum! The smell of fresh brewed coffee and pastries hot from the oven wafted out into the streets and entices passers by to stop for a quick caffeine hit and treat. The delicatessen is located in the heart of a Dartmouth and is run by a very talented French couple. They not only operate as a bakery, they offer lunch a dinner meals as well! They also have a tastes wine menu, so you can have a leisurely continental meal. 

My friend Monica loves sweets and always buys little treats to sample (for quality control of course!) wherever we travel to not only try the local cuisine but also to help decide what treats to take home with her as little gifts. Well, I think she's rubbed off on me because I found myself staring at the macaroons debating which flavour to try! 

I chose Nutella and two other yummy flavours, but I know she would've bought these lovely little packages to take back with her. 

If you have the chance to stop for coffee or a meal I would recommend this quaint little boulangerie!!

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