Monday, June 16, 2014

Motivation Monday- a garden for the elderly

During a family holiday in Dartmouth we went for a lovely walk exploring the area. Dartmouth has two ferries- the upper & lower ferries- very original names! The upper ferry is a chain ferry that links Dartmouth and Kingswear, both quaint little towns. Kingswear has a steam train that runs along the coast and there's a path that runs parallel to it, beautiful walk on a sunny day! 

The chain ferry and view of Kingswear. 

Kingswear as you can see is built into the hillside, which makes walking around it very steep! Great exercise, especially for the legs, bums & tums as you venture up and down stairs and steep little lanes. 
As we were climbing these almost vertical steps, named the Alma Steps we came across a tiny little 
garden for the elderly. I thought it was a very thoughtful location and environment for those less able to have a rest halfway up the steps. 
By just looking through the archway you can see the entire postage stamp of a garden, but if you needed a rest to catch your breath it's a very picturesque spot that has a couple benches surrounded by plants and flowers that looks out onto the Dart Estuary. 
"A population that does not take care of the elderly and of children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise" -Pope Francis 

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