Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Travel Tuesday: Adventures in Washington, D.C.

American novelist Fanny Fern said, “The cream of enjoyment in this life is always impromptu. The chance walk; the unexpected visit; the unpremeditated journey; the unsought conversation or acquaintance.”

This quote, perfectly summarizes my recent visit to Washington, DC. Although my travels were for a combination of leadership development, business, and leisure- the adventures along the way were delightfully filled with unexpected moments.

I met many characters during my visit and left with even more appreciation for the gifts that traveling bestows upon my life. It was wonderful seeing friends I had not spent time with in years and am grateful for the time I was able to visit with: Heide, Mckay & Rebecca and the fam, Mary, Jessica, Nicole and the fam, and Ryan.

Had I taken different modes of transportation, turned the opposite direction on a street corner, rode a later train, etc.  I would not have crossed paths with so many wonderful people.

The Old Friend

Sean Fellows

After wrapping up afternoon work meetings, I took the metro so I could get back to my hotel before my next work meeting, later in the evening. I would be underestimating if I admitted to just having minor difficulties with directions in general, throw in metro systems and oh, the challenges. Di has been trying to teach me how to understand metro systems since we went were in Madrid in 2005. In this instance though, good thing for wrong turns! I knew I had to get off at McPherson Square, but I was uncertain on how to get to the other side of the station, so I took the closest escalators out of the station. As I approached the street corner to figure out which direction I needed to go in to get back to the hotel, I looked up and saw a wonderfully familiar face. My friend Sean was walking towards me. Talk about timing!! Sean was in D.C. for business and it was so wonderful seeing my friend-such a special surprise.

The World Traveler
Rick, world traveler of 93 countries. Photo courtesy of

If my work meeting in Maryland had not concluded at the time it did and I had not chosen the metro cart I walked into, I would have missed the opportunity of meeting a fascinating individual.  There was a gentleman looking at the metro map and he seemed like he needed help. As you have learned about my metro skills, they are not my strong suit. I asked the gentleman if he needed help and he said with a thick New York accent,  now he knows how tourists on the subways feel. Surprisingly, I was able to give him confirmation that he was on the right metro. He commented he was going to Atlanta next. I asked him why he was going to Atlanta, he said he was touring all 26 ballparks in the US and one in Toronto and he told his kids he would see them in September. Wow. Wait. What? I had to know more! His name is Rick, he is retired, and without a doubt one of the most fascinating travelers I have ever met.
I asked if he had a blog and the woman sitting next to me who was mum the entire time, suddenly came to life and agreed, she wanted to hear about his adventures. He did not have a blog but told me he had a Flickr account with over 45,000 pictures. PensiveLaw1, check it out . I learned Rick has been to 93 countries and asked him two questions:

Q. What are his favorite places he has been?
A. Mongolia and Antarctica.

Q. Where is he headed to after he finishes touring ballparks?
A. Africa, he is going to drive throughout the continent.

Rick left a smile on my face and confirmed that even in the most unassuming places you can be surprised.

The New Friend 
Alicia Malone

I had a wonderful time seeing friends and picking up where we last left off. I never expected a chance business meeting would result in a new friendship. It was a delight to meet Alicia and we quickly learned we had so much in common from attending our university at the same time to embracing the joys of seeing the world. I wish we had known each other in college, I am certain we would have been friends. But better late than never! I look forward to staying in contact with Alicia and reading about her travel adventures, I encourage you to visit her blog: http://secondstartothewrite.com/ 
Alicia will be traveling to Australia in July, how exciting! Looking forward to reaching about her amazing adventures. 

The Heros 
Veterans participating in Honor Flight. Photo courtesy of http://www.stepspokane.com/

After nearly a week in Washington, D.C. the trip could not have ended on a more positive note. Once again, I experienced the joys of stumbling upon an unexpected delight. After countless dining out experiences, it was time for find the healthiest option possible; I decided I wanted oatmeal for breakfast. I learned Starbucks was in a different area in the airport; I had plenty of time before the plane’s departure time so I ventured off to find Starbucks. What I found were heroes, WWII veterans participating in an Honor Flight to visit the memorial dedicated to them in Washington, D.C. For those not familiar with Honor Fligjt, this is an excerpt from their website http://www.honorflight.org/about/ “Honor Flight Network has established an aggressive goal. Through the end of 2012 we transported more than 98,500 veterans to Washington, D.C. to see their memorial. The program presently has 127 hubs in 41 states. Due to the senior age of our heroes, and the prediction that we are losing approximately 800 of them daily, we are committed to do all within our power to make their dream a reality. Our current focus will remain on World War II veterans and those veterans from any war who have a terminal illness. However, our vision goes beyond World War II”.

As I stood outside of the Starbucks clapping and watching the Veterans arrive, one by one and be welcomed with loud cheers and accolades, it was an honor to witness these heroes en route to visit the memorial in honor of them. What a remarkable moment. If I had stayed on the other side of the airport, I never would have witnessed this heartfelt tribute.

To the fellow travelers I met as I stumbled along various adventures and to our readers with the desire to travel, may you continue to have the good fortune of exploring the world and embracing the awe and beauty of wanderlust. Cheers to happy moments and safety along every step of the the way. Bon Voyage!! 

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