Monday, January 13, 2014

BVF's 2013 Annual Adventures Top 5 Fav Moments

2013 was an exciting year!! Di became a first time mummy to Alfie and Mon was given the honour of being named his Godmom.  The BVF annual adventures continued and the wonders of travel were filled with great memories and some unexpected moments. The morning we were scheduled to travel to London to attend Di’s uni graduation- Mother Nature had different plans. High winds hit 100 MPH and torrential downpour caused devastation and disruptions throughout the region, Lymington was not exempt from the havoc. The pictures below give you an idea of the impact the storm had, fortunately no one at the home of Di’s in-laws were harmed when the eucalyptus tree in their front yard was uprooted and landed on the car.

Eventually, we were able to take the train to London in the evening and in time to travel onward to Lille, France the following morning.  Although we didn’t get to attend Di’s graduation, her family and friends are immensely proud of her accomplishments!!
We wanted to share some of our favourite memories from our 2013 annual holiday in Lille, France and our bonus adventure in London, a month later. 

1. Alfie's Christening and celebrations in Lymington, England. This was a special time to be with family and friends.  A pre-gathering at Fuller’s Fisherman was a grand time!!  We put our party planning skills to use for the post Christening gathering.

2. Visiting Lille, France and having Alfie along for the adventures! The baby factor! We experienced new lessons in travel and what to do when an infant is sick abroad. (More on that in a future posting, including tips)!! Lille is a quaint city and ideal for a laid back holiday.

We had a delicious meal at Le Broc, given the proximity to Belgium- flemmish influence can be found in the local cuisine.  There are lots of tasty bites to try throughout the city such as Jeff De Bruges chocolates and a Belgium waffle stand.  An added bonus, loads of shops to visit as well! 

3. Bon Voyage Friends. While enjoying dinner and bubbly at the flat we rented in Lille, the idea of Bon Voyage Friends came to life. Best friends, living in two different countries, meeting up for an annual adventure each year…equates to endless memories, life lessons, and countless stories to share. 

4. London Calling! We had a bonus adventure in London and after meeting up at Waterloo Station, we picked up right where we left off the month before and ventured out for some fun! We were on a mission for sushi and the restaurant we wanted to go to was closed! Covent Garden was the perfect spot for exploring an array of restaurants and we stumbled upon Itsu, a tasty, healthy and simple dining concept created by one of the Pret-A-Manger founder’s.  We had a fab time checking out the boutique shops before heading to the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland and then meeting up with Mon’s brother and friends for dinner at Mews in Mayfair.

5. Bon Voyage Friends goes live. BVF was officially launched during our December visit in London!! We are so excited to share the stories of our annual adventures, travel tips, recipes, creative happenings, and much more!! Please also check us out at:
Twitter @bonvoyagefriend

We are excited for our 2014 annual adventures and look forward to sharing more stories with you.  Bon Voyage!

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