Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5 Top Skincare Tips

Skin can take a beating when you're travelling because of the climate change, dryness on board a plane, and time differences. Follow my top 5 travel skincare tips to keep your skin glowing! 

1. Pack a sample cleanser and moisturiser in your hand luggage to freshen up before landing. 
2. Use a hydrating spray mid flight to keep skin hydrated- Dermalogica Ultra Calming Mist is my favourite. 
3. Apply a heavy moisturiser before you travel and put a barrier protector over your skin inflight- Dermalogica climate control is my favourite. 
4. Use a booster with  hyaluronic acid as a main ingredient to keep your skin hydrated  
5. When you get to your destination exfoliate and mask as part of your evening skincare regime. 

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