Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Adventures- New Year's Resolutions for a seasoned traveller.

With the start of 2014, it's the beginning of new adventures and exciting memories to be made! BVF's have created a list of five goals for the seasoned traveller. 

1. Always have a trip planned to look forward to, pick a destination you haven't traveled to before. 

Invite a friend that's been thinking of traveling, but never ventured out before. You never know, you might inspire someone to begin a journey of a lifetime of travels. 

3. Plan ahead even if it's a last minute booking, then you have all of your travel logistics in place- visas, vaccinations, etc. 

4. Do a bit of research on the place you're visiting, so you've got a few things in mind to see and do whilst there and get recommendations from people who have visited before. Be familiar with cities in close proximity, 
perhaps you can do a day trip to a local city nearby. 

5. Get an up to date book on the city or country you're visiting to use as a reference. The maps are always useful to navigate your way round. Try planning out an entire day, you're still likely to stumble upon expected adventures along the way. 

Bon Voyage!!! 

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