Saturday, November 1, 2014

Savoury Saturday- Restaurant Review The Blue Pig

The Angel and Blue pig review 

This 13th century pub has been a well-known establishment in Lymington for years.  It's located in the centre of the High Street and has recently been refurbished.  The girls and I have a quarterly 'girls night out' and we booked a table here based on word of mouth recommendation. 

We started off the evening with cosmopolitans, and thought we were off to a great start enjoying the busy Saturday night buzz of the pub.  Last minute we had an additional friend join us, and when we asked for extra place setting we were told no.... I think they thought they were funny, but it didn't make for a positive first impression from the waitress. 

Being given our menus, we were informed that there were two items off the menu for the evening. We then proceeded to ordered starters (Baked Camembert, Squid Salad and Crab Balls) and two of the three weren't available, they could've run two doors up to Tesco to buy some Camembert! 

The evening started to take a down hill turn as we then waited over 15 minutes for drinks to come to the table. Drinks waiting as the bar man served other customers between filling our order, so drinks appeared one by one over the 15 minute period- the bubbly being poured first. 

The shared starters we had were Crab balls (pictured on the left), which tasted of potatoes & tinned fish with a bitter after taste, and platters of bread & olives served without side plates or tooth picks for olives. 

For our main course, most of the table ordered Flat iron steaks, which all came as requested, except one because they had run out.  So one of the girls had to wait for the chef to cook her rump steak replacement whilst everyone else started on their dinner. (pictured on right) 

I ordered a Jerusalem artichoke served with warm squash and onion salad. What I was anticipating and what arrived were completely different! I was anticipating a large artichoke with a warm squash and onion garnish...what arrived was a salad that didn't have any artichoke in it with lots of raw onion, some warm butternut squash and potatoes with a garnish of greens. 

We were so disappointed with our meal that we chose not to have any desserts at the Angel and Blue Pig, nor to continue our evening there.  Staff were pleasant, but when our waitress went on break we weren't looked after & any further drinks we had to keep asking the bar staff to get for us.  The waitress was embarrassed at the situation with lack of food items available and the service she asked her manager on our behalf if we could have a discount, so we were given a 20% discount. 

BVF would rate this 1/5 stars

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