Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Recipe Week- Carmel Apple Cake

125g unsalted butter, softened 
379g Carnation Carmel 
2 eggs, slightly beaten 
225g flour 
4tsp baking powder 
2tsp ground cinnamon 
2 Bramley apples, peeled, cored & diced 
2tbsp whole milk 
1tsp brown sugar 

Serves 10 
Preheat oven 150C
1. Cream butter and 225g Carmel until well blended 
2. Beat eggs into mixture one at a time 
3. Sift dry ingredients into mixture and stir together by hand 
4. Stir in apple chunks and milk until blended
5. Lightly butter a 20cm cake tin, spoon mixture into tin and smooth the top. Sprinkle brown sugar over the top. 
6. Bake for 40 minutes, or until top is golden brown and toothpick comes out clean. 
7. Warm the rest of the Carmel in a microwaveable jug until pourable, then pour over cake and enjoy with tea & friends! 

I used only 2 tbsp of pouring Carmel and saved the rst to enjoy with skived apples as a snack. This mixture of sweet Carmel and tart apple not only creates a moist cake, it's rather moreish too! Bon Appetite! 

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