Wednesday, October 15, 2014

WLFEO Wed- the chocolate induction

Hazing is banned and something we advocate against. Our sorority, Alpha Delta Pi was the first sorority to call new members Alphas instead of Pledges as the first step to show we believe everyone is equal and no one should ever be placed a situation where they are hazed to be part or any organization.

Unfortunately, hazing continues throughout the world in a variety of organizations. My husband and I were walking to dinner in Brugge when we came across this interesting sight... I of course wanted a picture & I think it embarrassed my husband, he puts up with most things BVF or salon related but this one he felt was an invasion of 'privacy'. But given this was done out on the open, why not take a photo to show people that even around the world the acts that Greek letter organizations have no tolerance (and sadly it does still occur) and exist in other groups.
Photo taken in Brugge, Belgium 
I've dubbed it the 'chocolate induction'- some students were dressed in white lab coats & the recipients were in normal clothes, on their knees (on cobbled streets-ouch!) with their hands behind their backs. They were being smeared with thick chocolate paste and being given cups of chocolate milk to drink- only in Belgium right?! The country known for it's delicious chocolate. I hope whatever group came up with this idea realises there are better and positive ways to bring new members into an organization. 

Thank you Adpi for showing us the importance of having zero tolerance for hazing. 

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