Wednesday, August 6, 2014

WLFEO Wednesday: The Tale of Two Sisters

     2001 Homecoming at UNLV. Di and    
       Monica with Adpi Sister, Lauren. 

Last week, Di's entry was heart warming and a testament to the bond we have. It inspired me to share the story of how our friendship began. 

Di and I first met during sorority recruitment in the Fall 2000 semester and we've been friends ever since. Early on, it was easy to see how dynamic Di was and a leader she was in the chapter. She's been supportive of everything during our uni days and beyond. 

Whether it was hanging campaign fliers around campus when we were running for student senate, late night skit practices for Greek week, or the last minute invite she accepted to go with my brother to an alumna's wedding-she's always been there for me. 

Some people may not be able to relate to how we can be best friends living over 5,000 miles away from each other. But it's as though we are never far away from one another. There's always something to talk about and look forward to. As life goes on Di continues to make room in her life for all the new gifts bestowed upon her without leaving her friendships behind. Some people told me things will change with our tradition as the years go by. Indeed.   Having the privilege to be her son Alfie's, Godmother is a true honor and I hope to return the honor to her someday. Alfie came along with us to France, last year, and I cherish the time spent with him. Yes- they were right, things do change- our adventures only keep getting better. What hasn't changed- the endless support and encouragement Di gives to me. 

I am grateful for the blessing she is in my life and the Alpha Delta Pi sisterhood that brought us together. Our friendship started long before we began our tradition of our annual holiday-oh, the adventures we've had!! I know she will continue to enlighten and impact my life. The best adventures are yet to come. Cheers to you sister, so excited to see you next month in my second hometown of Lymington. WLFEO 

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