Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WLFEO Wednesday: Bon Voyage, Sister Maddie!!

We are so excited that three of our UNLV Alpha Delta Pi sisters will spend this semester studying abroad. We are proud of them for taking advantage of the opportunity to further enhance their collegiate experience.

Bon Voyage Friends will be featuring Sisters Maddie, Katie, and Michelle over the next few weeks. Today, we introduce our readers to Sister Maddie. 

Left to Right: Sister Van and Sister Maddie

Quick Facts
Name: Maddie

Studying Abroad: San Sebastian, Spain
Year: Senior
Major: Hospitality Management

Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Littleton, Colorado

1. Why are you studying abroad? 

The opportunity to learn a new language and experience in living in a different country were appealing to me.  

2. What are you most excited about?

All the unknowns, traveling, and figuring things out! 

3. Where do you hope to travel to during your adventures? 

The top three places I want to explore are: Visiting Ireland, skiing the Alps, and traveling to Italy. 

4. What was your inspiration? 

Ashley-an Adpi sister studied abroad for a semester and had such a phenomenal experiences. Hearing about her experience was an inspiration. I was so eager to study abroad, I signed up a year in advance.

5. What do you hope to accomplish aside from studying? 

There's no better way to learn a language then to be immersed in it, I hope to take advantages of living in a country where they speak a different language and be immersed in it. 

6. What advice do you have for students thinking about studying abroad? 

If you even have the thought or desire to study abroad, then stop thinking about it and sign up! 

7. How do you plan on keeping connected? 

I hope to keep a journal about my adventures and post entries on a blog. 

8. How will you utilize technology? 

Downloading apps that I can use offline will be essential to making sure I have resources without being charged international data overages. I am also considering getting a SIM card from a local cell provider in San Sebastian. 

Bon Voyage, Sister Maddie!! We are so excited for you! 

Inspired? Check out
12 Tips for College Students Traveling Abroad- From the BVF Archives: 

Left to Right. Sisters Gaby, Maddie, and Jackie. 

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