Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunny Sunday- enjoy the fresh air

Summer Nights 
Summer evenings in England are not guaranteed to be sunny or warm, so when the weather agrees most people make the most of the lovely weather and step outdoors.  The sea wall is a four mile stretch of land that connects the Lymington and Keyhaven coastline.  There is a pub and restaurant at each end to enjoy a beverage or meal at the end of your walk or cycle ride.  You can make a day of it and walk from one end of the other, enjoy lunch and then head back to the end you started at.

When I was training for the London Marathon in 2012, I did most of my training along this beautiful piece of the coast.  It is gives a gorgeous view in all types of weather, but is most enjoyable in the summer sunshine. Make the most of a sunny visit to this area and enjoy the fresh sea air along the sea wall!

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