Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunny Sunday- Lazy Sunday Breakfast Recipe

Lazy Sunday Breakfast 
Serves 2 
2 slices of fresh bread, toasted 
2 tsp cream cheese (one for each piece of toast) 
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil 
4 eggs 
2 tbsp milk 
Dash freshly ground black pepper 
1 tsp ranch powder 
8 cherry tomatoes, quartered 
1 spring onion, finely chopped
Optional: 2 tbsp cottage cheese 

1. Once bread is toasted, spread cream cheese over toast. 
2. Heat oil in frying pan 
3. Beat eggs and milk together then add to frying pan & scramble 
4. Mix ranch and pepper into eggs whilst scrambling 
5. Once eggs are scrambled, add tomatoes & spring onion and heat through. 
6. If adding cottage cheese mix into scrambled egg, serve & enjoy immediately. 

Sunny Sunday- enjoy the fresh air

Summer Nights 
Summer evenings in England are not guaranteed to be sunny or warm, so when the weather agrees most people make the most of the lovely weather and step outdoors.  The sea wall is a four mile stretch of land that connects the Lymington and Keyhaven coastline.  There is a pub and restaurant at each end to enjoy a beverage or meal at the end of your walk or cycle ride.  You can make a day of it and walk from one end of the other, enjoy lunch and then head back to the end you started at.

When I was training for the London Marathon in 2012, I did most of my training along this beautiful piece of the coast.  It is gives a gorgeous view in all types of weather, but is most enjoyable in the summer sunshine. Make the most of a sunny visit to this area and enjoy the fresh sea air along the sea wall!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Savoury Saturday- Aruba Review

Last Friday my husband and I went to Bournemouth to enjoy the summer Friday night firework display over Bournemouth pier. The city put on a display every Friday night throughout August and it attracts thousands of spectators along the beach front. 

We went to Aruba, a restaurant located at the base of the Pier, for dinner.  This restaurant is a popular destination for after work drinks, pre theatre cocktails, food, parties, and much more.  Being summer and a Friday night, it was super busy, so we couldn't get a table for the restaurant menu, but we did manage to grab a seat on the balcony over looking the bay and could have the bar menu which consisted of several pizza options. 

The pizzas are thin crust and have several tasty combinations to choose from, sitting on the balcony we had to order at the bar, but were served quickly and our pizza arrived within 10 minutes, we were very impressed with the speed if service on such a busy night! 

The atmosphere was not conducive to a romantic meal for two, but it was great people watching!  There were ladies having a girly night out, a 40th birthday party, lads starting the evening there or meeting after work, couples enjoying the view and families having meals.  The music was upbeat and there was a fantastic balloon entertainer that was working the room. 

This is the dog that he made for the little girl sitting near us.  Very impressive and he had a large repertoire of animals and other things that he could make.  He then made them into bracelets so that the receivers could still eat their meal and enjoy their new creation.  He's known as Dr. Balloonman, and will 'add a twist to any occasion'!   We had a delicious meal finished off with ice cream on the beach watching the fireworks- a great summer evening! 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Feature Friday- Bournemouth Air Festival

The Bournemouth Air Festival started in 2008 and attracts more than five million people each year to its four day extravaganza.  The festival is one of the largest free air shows in world the is based along Bournemouth sea front between the Boscombe and Bournemouth piers. There are food, charity and other stalls along the cliff top and promenade as well as several carnival rides down on the beach. On Friday and Saturday nights there are concerts on the beach with well known artists and evening air displays as well.

My highlight of the day was the Red arrows display, this year they're celebrating 50th year performing! There are nine jets in the group of acrobatic Hawks, the pilots are all the best of the best from the Royal Air Force. These experienced fighter jet flyers go through a rigorous selection process to a part of this team of precision flyers and fulfill a three year stint of performances. 

These hawks are a distinctive red and perform stunts for about half an hour doing formations and acrobatics using red, white & blue jet streams to add to their display. 

During the air show three years ago the red arrows lost an amazing team member. This Memorial is on the cliff top so all will remember the pilot that died.  His name was John Egging known as Eggman, he died when his hawk tragically crashed after the show August 20, 2011. His loved ones have started a charity called Blue Skies to help youths realise their potential and in memory of this Air Force legend. 

The Chinook helicopter doing the roller coaster and other tricks during its demonstration was very impressive! It weighs 13 tons and to watch it rotate, dip and dive midair was neat, they even had a crew member stand on the back platform and wave to the spectators! It can carry 10 tons in weight and fly- there are 4 hooks to carry vehicles- one on each hook! Impressive!! 

There are constantly different air crafts flying and putting on different types of demonstrations, some so fast you can't photograph easily, and others who just do a fly by as the announcers explain the history about the plane and its pilots, whom some are international pilots with amazing histories from war experience, weapons specialists, and other notable accolades. This airplane is known as the Flying Fortress. 

Along the beach there are ships, tanks and other military vehicles on display for tours, education and close up viewing. One of the largest ships moored off the coastline was used as a Hospital Ship. The tanks and trucks came in different sizes from a landing tank, challenger tank, recovery vehicles, and artillery tanks.

This Challenger 2 tank entered service in 1998 replacing Challenger 1, which cost about £4million each. It weighs 64.5 tonnes, which is about 80 mini coopers combined! the challenger has operated in Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq and takes at least 4 crew to operate- commander, loader, gunner & driver. 

If you're in town over the Festival weekend it is well worth your time to experience this entertaining and educational day out! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Treat Thursday- BVF French Macaron Bake Off: Recipe #2 Final Bake Off

Beautiful French macarons from the Las Vegas Mandarin Oriental. 

Have you ever wondered why French macarons can be pricey? After trying two recipes, we have concluded that these tasty treats are worth purchasing from a bakery. We are ending our  bake off after two attempts.

Although the average macaron recipes contains less than five ingredients, creating these tasty treats have proven to be anything but simple. 

Recipe #2 
This recipe is from BVF fav celebrity chef Nigella Lawson. 

Recipe #2 Ingredients 

For the biscuit base

  • 200 grams ground almonds
  • 2 medium egg whites
  • 50 grams cocoa
  • 375 ml icing sugar

For the filling

  • 125 grams butter (softened)
  • 375 ml icing sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  1. Pre heat the oven to 200C
  2. Mix the egg whites and almounds together in an electric mixer or by hand, adding the sifted icing sugar and cocoa to form a sticky, coheisive mixture. 
  3. Spoon even dollops of the mixture onto a lined baking tray and bake for 11mins. 
  4. Allow the macaroon top and base to cool before filling.
For the Filling:
  1. Whip the butter until it it turns white then add half the sifted icing sugar and cocoa to the electric mixer, taking care to ensure all the butter is incorporated. 
  2. Add the milk and then continue to beat in the remaining amount of icing sugar and cocoa.
  3. When done, Pipe in a swirl or spread half the biscuits with the frosting and top with the remaining biscuits.

Di's Experience 

I love Nigella Lawson and have many of her cookbooks, and if I don’t have a recipe for something I always check with her first because I find her recipes are fool proof! Well the Chocolate Macaroon recipe is not the case!! I followed the directions to the ’t’ but I found that adding 375ml, which is a fluid measurement didn’t measure up, so I converted it with the recommendation of 1 1/2cups of icing sugar. The mixture was so dry with just two egg whites and all of the dry ingredients.  I gradually added water to moisten the mixture and ended up adding 6 tablespoons of water. The recipe wasn’t gloopy enough to require piping it into the silicone macaroon sheet, so the first batch I used two teaspoons to decant the mixture and the on the second batch I rolled the mixture like you do some cookie recipes to hopefully have a smooth outcome, but the mixture was too grainy to achieve the typical smooth finish with a sheen. 

The filing is delicious and was easy to make, but I’m not the biggest fan of making icing because the powdered sugar leaves a film on the kitchen counter and clean up entails deep cleaning the kitchen after baking!

For me it made 50 halves to create 25 macaroons and the outcome after baking, cooling and filling was a delicious flavour, crunchy like a cookie on the outside and chewy on the inside.  They certainly don’t look professional and I’m not keen to try this recipe again. 

Monica's Experience

As much as I find baking to be a relaxing and soothing hobby, French macarons are not my forte-at all. 

My experience was very similar to what Di encountered while using this recipe. The mixture was very grainy, but I did not add any additional water and the recipe yielded 18 macaron sets. I converted the ingredients to cups/ounces, not sure it that was a factor in the outcome of the final product. 

I tried using a small bag to pipe out the mixture, since it was so thick-this wasn't an ideal method. I eventually spooned out the  batter and smoothed it into the pre-drawn circles on the macaron silicon baking sheet. 

The macarons were actually very tasty but very crispy. I reduced the oven temperature by 20 degrees and the cooking time by 3 minutes but it didn't make a difference for the 2nd batch. 

The most delightful part about this recipe is the chocolate filling. I used a delicious brand of cocoa I discovered while visiting France, last October and was excited to try it. VanHouten was smooth, rich, and delicious. It mixed in perfectly into the macaron and cream mixtures. 

I highly recommend using the chocolate buttercream recipe for the center and outside of a chocolate cake or even for cupcakes. Just keep in mind since its essentially mostly butter, its very delicate and needs refrigeration. 

The chocolate buttercream recipe was very easy to make and I did not make any modifications. 

Although the BVF French Macaron Bake Off has come to an early final round, we had fun experimenting and  learning new techniques in baking. 

Bon Appétit!! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WLFEO Wednesday: Bon Voyage, Sister Maddie!!

We are so excited that three of our UNLV Alpha Delta Pi sisters will spend this semester studying abroad. We are proud of them for taking advantage of the opportunity to further enhance their collegiate experience.

Bon Voyage Friends will be featuring Sisters Maddie, Katie, and Michelle over the next few weeks. Today, we introduce our readers to Sister Maddie. 

Left to Right: Sister Van and Sister Maddie

Quick Facts
Name: Maddie

Studying Abroad: San Sebastian, Spain
Year: Senior
Major: Hospitality Management

Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Littleton, Colorado

1. Why are you studying abroad? 

The opportunity to learn a new language and experience in living in a different country were appealing to me.  

2. What are you most excited about?

All the unknowns, traveling, and figuring things out! 

3. Where do you hope to travel to during your adventures? 

The top three places I want to explore are: Visiting Ireland, skiing the Alps, and traveling to Italy. 

4. What was your inspiration? 

Ashley-an Adpi sister studied abroad for a semester and had such a phenomenal experiences. Hearing about her experience was an inspiration. I was so eager to study abroad, I signed up a year in advance.

5. What do you hope to accomplish aside from studying? 

There's no better way to learn a language then to be immersed in it, I hope to take advantages of living in a country where they speak a different language and be immersed in it. 

6. What advice do you have for students thinking about studying abroad? 

If you even have the thought or desire to study abroad, then stop thinking about it and sign up! 

7. How do you plan on keeping connected? 

I hope to keep a journal about my adventures and post entries on a blog. 

8. How will you utilize technology? 

Downloading apps that I can use offline will be essential to making sure I have resources without being charged international data overages. I am also considering getting a SIM card from a local cell provider in San Sebastian. 

Bon Voyage, Sister Maddie!! We are so excited for you! 

Inspired? Check out
12 Tips for College Students Traveling Abroad- From the BVF Archives: 

Left to Right. Sisters Gaby, Maddie, and Jackie. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunny Sunday: Gilcrease Orchards in Las Vegas

Spending time with my mom, last weekend at Gilcrease Orchards, was such an enjoyable adventure!! Gilcrease is a family owned orchard approximately 20 miles north of the Las Vegas Strip. The history of the orchard is quiet unique and you can visit this link for the detailed histor:

Walking around the orchard brought back childhood memories of spending time during the summers in Northern, California. In an instant my childhood awe and wonder were back, it was just as thought I was 10 again picking fruit at an orchard in CA and enjoying summer time fun. 

I hope you enjoy the photo tour included below and have the opportunity to visit this jewel in the desert. 

Tips for Visiting Gilcrease Orchards
⚫ Be respectful of nature
⚫ Check the opening days before you     
    head out and arrive early
⚫ Stay hydrated 
⚫ Bring reusable bags for gathering  
⚫ Watch your belongings 
⚫ Embrace the experience and enjoy the  
    simple joys of picking fruits and   

Gilcrease Orchards Information 
Days open: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays 
Operating hours: 7am-12pm 
Address: 7800 North Tenaya Way, Las Vegas, Nevada 89131
Childhood nostalgia at Glicrease. 
Complimentary wheelbarrows for gathering produce. 
Apple trees at Gilcrease. 
Great educational components! 
I had such a great time picking fruit! 
Patrons enjoying their visit to Gilcrease. 
Zucchini, cucumber, and tomatoes were also in season. 
Yummy peaches!! 
There was an abundance of pears. 
Delicious apple cider made on site. 
Fresh fruit we picked at Gilcrease. 
Yummy peaches! 
Zucchinis, tomatoes, and apples! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Feature Friday: Las Vegas Restaurant Week

It's that time of year and one of my favorite traditions with friends- Restaurant Week. Over 150 restaurants on and off the Las Vegas Strip participate in the city wide efforts to raise money for Three Square Food Bank. 

Restaurant Week begins today and runs through August 28th. It's such a wonderful way to be engaged with helping others and an extra added bonus is trying to many great restaurants at often discounted rates.  

All of the menus are prix fix and depending on the restaurant, some even offer lunch options. 

Society Cafe at Encore had a wonderful menu during the Spring 2014 Restaurant Week! 

An excerpt from the Three Square gives a great description of the impact Restaurant Week has on our community. 

"We are proud to report that since 2007 over 2.5 million meals have been provided for those in need through Restaurant Week. Today, Three Square feeds more than 100,000 men, women, children and seniors each month; however, the need is estimated at three times our current reach. By joining us for Las Vegas Restaurant Week, you are helping us get closer to our goal of feeding the 320,000 food insecure people in Southern Nevada. All proceeds from Restaurant Week remain local and help Three Square in its fight to end hunger in Southern Nevada."

For additional information on how Three Square is providing wholesome food to hungry people, please

Bon Appetite!!  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tasty Thursday! Chocolate Chip Cookies

Delicious and easy to make chocolate chip cookies!!
Yummy!!! Another great recipe we would love to share, courtesy of the Food Network.


1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
3/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 (12-ounce) bag semisweet chocolate chips, or chunks
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon fine salt

Read more at:

Evenly position 2 racks in the middle of the oven and preheat to 375 degrees F. (on convection setting if you have it.) Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone sheets. (If you only have 1 baking sheet, let it cool completely between batches.)

Put the butter in a microwave safe bowl, cover and microwave on medium power until melted. (Alternatively melt in a small saucepan.) Cool slightly. Whisk the sugars, eggs, butter and vanilla in a large bowl until smooth.

Whisk the flour, baking soda and salt in another bowl. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients with a wooden spoon; take care not to over mix. Stir in the chocolate chips or chunks.

Scoop heaping tablespoons of the dough onto the prepared pans. Wet hands slightly and roll the dough into balls. Space the cookies about 2-inches apart on the pans. Bake, until golden, but still soft in the center, 12 to 16 minutes, depending on how chewy or crunchy you like your cookies. Transfer hot cookies with a spatula to a rack to cool. Serve.

Store cookies in a tightly sealed container for up to 5 days.
For a Rocky Road Bar:

Lightly butter a 9 by 13-inch baking pan. Make the batter as per cookie recipe and fold in 1 cup chopped walnuts along with the chocolate chips. Spread batter in prepared pan. Bake until the edges are light brown and the batter sets, about 45 minutes. Cool slightly and cover surface with 4 cups marshmallows and 1 cup chocolate chips. Broil at least 8 inches from the heat until marshmallows turn golden brown, about 2 minutes. (Keep an eye on the marshmallows, and turn the pan frequently--they go from golden to char in a wink.) Cool, cut and serve.

Read more at:

Monday, August 18, 2014

Motivation Monday: Just have fun!

George Bernard Shaw said it best. "We don't stop playing because we grow up; we grow old because we stop playing.  

Who says we have to be kids to let go, play, and be free? This past weekend, I had a wonderful time visiting Gilcrease Orchards with my mom. Instantaneously, summertime childhood memories from time spent in Northern California resurfaced. We use to visit orchards, tun around, and enjoy the sweet nectar of summer fruit. As I reflected on my childhood, I gained a desire to just let go and embrace the moment. 

So go out and explore nature, have fun, use your imagination, be a kid again, and go play!! 

Look for Sunny Sunday's post to read more about Gilcrease Orchards-a   hidden jewel in the desert. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Treat Thursday- Ranch appetiser

Yummy Ranch Salsa Dip 

8 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese
8 ounces sour cream
1-ounce package Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing mix
10-ounce can Diced tomatoes, well drained 
1 Green Chilli, finely diced 
Pinch of lime juice, optional

Mix all ingredients together, adding one at a time. Chill in refrigerator at least 2 hours before serving. Serve with Ranch Wheat Thins (the best), Original Wheat Thins or plain potato chips.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Travel Tuesday- Yarmouth

Yarmouth is a little harbour on the northwestern side of the island. It's a great place to spend an afternoon, whole day or even have a weeklong holiday. It's easily accessible by passenger ferry from Lymington, Hampshire. The ferries are big enough to take cars and during busy times there are three crossings an hour. 

'Off the Rails' is a converted railway station that had stopped being used in the 1960's and is now a cafe & bike hire. 

They serve cooked breakfast, lunch and evening meals, or you can just pop in for a coffee & cake.  Fresh herbs are the centrepiece for each table and they serve thyme flavored water.  

If you fancy a cycle or walk there is a footpath just outside the train station that leads back to Yarmouth or onto Freshwater.  The river Yar that runs from Yarmouth to Freshwater has a footpath that runs alongside it and is about 6 miles return with a great pub at the end of it in Freshwater. 

View of the river from the river walk. 

There are many more restaurants to try, boutique shops to peruse and things to see around the town and surrounding area. If you're visiting the Isle of Wight, Yarmouth is worth a visit! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Savoury Saturday: Julia Child’s Beef Bourguignon

Creating in the kitchen is something we enjoy! Julia Child's Boeuf a la Bourguignon recipe is a classic! The recipe will take time to make but its worth it!

I came across this wonderfully explained step by step recipe for how to create Julie Child's masterpiece. Amy of the Gourmandmom does an incredible job sharing her passion for food and articlulating that passion into easy to understand directions. Thank you Amy!

Click below for the delicious recipe:

Bon Appétit!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Treat Thursday- BVF French Macaron Bake Off: Recipe #1

BVF Macaron Recipe #1(recipe below)

Bon Voyage Friends love to bake and we enjoy trying new recipes to broaden our baking abilities. With Di's birthday party right around the corner, we have planned out a fabulous party and we are making French macarons for the special occasion. Neither of us had ever made macarons before, so we both ordered silicone baking sheets (great minds things alike), so we could practice making the ever so delectable, yet delicate treats. Although it would certainly be an amusing and entertaining experiencing trying to make macarons the day before the party, Di thought it would be fun to create a bake off over the next few weeks as we attempt to create and possibly even perfect the ideal macaron recipe. With the Great British Bake Off taking place, we have created our own version: The BVF Macaron Bake Off. Let the baking begin!

French Macarons from Whole Foods Las Vegas, W. Charleston.

We will post each recipe we simultaneously use and the share experiences we had with trying to create this treat. As you can see from the picture above, macarons come in all different colors (generally with matching flavors).

Recipe #1
This recipe was obtained from the back of the packaging from the NY Cake Company silicone baking sheet. 
Silicone Macaron Baking Mat from NY Cake

Recipe #1 Ingredients
2/3 cup almond flour
1 cup powdered sugar
3 egg whites, room temperature
Gel paste coloring (optional)
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. almond extract 

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Sift together powdered sugar and almond flour
  3. Whisk egg whites on low speed until frothy. Slowly add the sugar until stiff peaks form. (we both folded in the food gel after the stiff peaks formed)
  4. Fold half the almond mixture into the egg whites. Then fold in the other half. 
  5. Place silicone mat on a baking sheet and pipe or pour your batter in the center of each circle and let it spread until it reaches the outer circle.
  6. Bake 12-14 minutes for a 2 inch macaron until the tops are dry to touch. Rotate the baking sheet half-way through.
  7. Spread jam on the bottom of the cooled macaron and place another on top.
I was excited to try this recipe and was pleased with the results! The silicone baking mat worked really well and the pre-imprinted circles on the mat add extra ease. With prep and cooking time, I spent approximately two hours creating these yummy macarons.

Recipe or Cooking Modifications: I couldn't find almond flour, so I looked at different websites and chose to substitute with ground almonds, which worked out really well. I didn't have a piping bag, so used a sandwich bag with the corner cut to pipe the mixture onto the silicone mat.
Taste and consistency: The macarons were tasty and the texture was similar to macarons I have bought from bakeries. By sifting the ground almonds & powdered sugar it was a fine texture to add to the egg mixture.
Filling: As I went with a yellow colour I then themed them as lemon flavoured and added lemon curd for the filling.
Outcome: This recipe was very simple, but it was not specific on when to add the food coloring gel or almond extract. I didn't turn halfway because I kept forgetting! But the outcome was evenly cooked with a shine to the top. I left them to cool slightly on the mat and then gently decanted them to a cooling rack.
Thoughts: In between batches I put the mixture in the fridge to prevent it from getting too runny. The recipe was really easy but it didn't say when to add extract or colouring so I added just as peaks were forming. I chose to make yellow macaroons and added a quarter size of a pea to the mixture, which created a nice sunshine yellow colour. For a first attempt I'm really pleased with the outcome and simplicity of this recipe.
Although I greatly enjoy baking, French Macarons seemed so complex and time consuming to create so I have never attempted to make them. The ingredients are simple but the technique sounded very difficult.

Prep Time: I measured the dry ingredients a few days in advance which helped save time. Overall, from start to finish it took approximately 25 minutes to prepare the recipe.

Recipe or Cooking Modifications: Knowing my oven's temperature normally needs to be modified, I reduced the heat to 340 degrees the first attempt and baked for six minutes, rotated the baking sheet and baked for another six minutes. For the second attempt, I reduced the heat to 330 degrees and cooked for seven minutes for each rotation-resulting in burnt macarons. I used a plastic sandwich bag and cut off about 1/2 at one end in place of a piping bag.
Taste and consistency: The first batch of macarons tasted good and the consistency was not grainy, the second batched were burnt and tasted charred.
Filling: I used raspberry jam to save time-almonds and raspberry are a yummy combination. 
Outcome: The macarons browned and the coloring did not withstand the baking process. I attempted a second batch, added more coloring to the raw mixture, and turned down the temperature but increased the baking time by two minutes. Neither techniques were successful. 
Tips: Whole Foods has almond meal (flour) in the bulk section for $8.99/lb. Bonus, the meal is made with skinless almonds. 
Thoughts: I have reviewed over five macaron recipes and learned there are several factors that can affect the outcome of macaroons: oven temperature variations, humidity, age of the eggs, and overall technique. I look forward to trying another recipe for round 2!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

WLFEO Wednesday: The Tale of Two Sisters

     2001 Homecoming at UNLV. Di and    
       Monica with Adpi Sister, Lauren. 

Last week, Di's entry was heart warming and a testament to the bond we have. It inspired me to share the story of how our friendship began. 

Di and I first met during sorority recruitment in the Fall 2000 semester and we've been friends ever since. Early on, it was easy to see how dynamic Di was and a leader she was in the chapter. She's been supportive of everything during our uni days and beyond. 

Whether it was hanging campaign fliers around campus when we were running for student senate, late night skit practices for Greek week, or the last minute invite she accepted to go with my brother to an alumna's wedding-she's always been there for me. 

Some people may not be able to relate to how we can be best friends living over 5,000 miles away from each other. But it's as though we are never far away from one another. There's always something to talk about and look forward to. As life goes on Di continues to make room in her life for all the new gifts bestowed upon her without leaving her friendships behind. Some people told me things will change with our tradition as the years go by. Indeed.   Having the privilege to be her son Alfie's, Godmother is a true honor and I hope to return the honor to her someday. Alfie came along with us to France, last year, and I cherish the time spent with him. Yes- they were right, things do change- our adventures only keep getting better. What hasn't changed- the endless support and encouragement Di gives to me. 

I am grateful for the blessing she is in my life and the Alpha Delta Pi sisterhood that brought us together. Our friendship started long before we began our tradition of our annual holiday-oh, the adventures we've had!! I know she will continue to enlighten and impact my life. The best adventures are yet to come. Cheers to you sister, so excited to see you next month in my second hometown of Lymington. WLFEO