Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WLFEO Wednesday: Sister Spotlight- Arianna Villalobos and Philanthropic Causes

Last summer, we featured UNLV student and Alpha Delta Pi sister Arianna Villalobos on our blog. She is such an inspiration to us. As she was facing health complications, she remained strong willed and optimistic.  Links to the previous entries are included at the bottom of this posting. 

Her determination and spirit are remarkable. She also devotes her time to helping others and recently she donated her hair to an organization dedicated to providing hair to children battling cancer. Sir Winston Churchill said it best, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Indeed, Arianna is a most kind and giving person. 

Recently, I had a lovely visit with Arianna and enjoyed learning more about her hopes and dreams. Additionally, Arianna shared the non-profit organisations she has passion for and we encourage you to be involved with charitable organisations. 

She remains bright and optimistic on her road to recovery and eventhough she's not back to feeling 100%, she is so devoted to others. I continue to be impressed by this young lady's  optimism, will and spirituality. It's a true honour to know her and have her as a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Thank you Arianna, you are an inspiration!! 

Q and A with Arianna:

You aspire to...


Become a doctor, specifically a neurosurgeon or trauma surgeon. I also hope to split my time as a medical researcher, and yes that’s possible because many of my personal doctors practice several days a week and conduct research on the other days.


Your biggest dreams/goals are:


My biggest goal is to cure a disease or condition!  And I dream of winning a Nobel Peace Prize for advancements in medicine or work I aspire to do in a third world country some day. 


If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?


Everywhere! I want to see the world! Top places for me would be Greece, Ireland, and Thailand. I would also love to travel with "Doctors without Borders".


What/who are most important to you?


It seems like a cliché answer, but truly my family is most important to me. I have close relationships with every single one of them and imagining moving away from them to continue my education makes me sad.  Its hard to imagine not seeing them every single day. My education is the next most important aspect in my life. 


How can others get involved?


I suggest that if you are looking to get involved to just reach out to an organisation. Help is needed everywhere and organisations need more than just monetary assistance, they need volunteers too. Time. Treasure. Talent. Just give in anyway you can. 

If you are a college student, visit your universities club registry, there are multiple organizations on campus to help you get involved.  If you are an established adult, giving money is wonderful (and still do that) but the feeling you get from working one on one with those in need is a feeling you can't get by just writing it off on your taxes.  Get out there and give your time and love to others and you'll be surprised by how addicting it can become.     


Joy Prom Las Vegas is an extravagant, full-scale, free prom for teenagers and adult individuals with cognitive and physical impairments where every guest is celebrate and accepted.  The biggest need for this event is for volunteers, especially those that act as a "hostess" or "host" which means you are paired with an attendee of the prom and accompany them throughout the nights events.


Opportunity Village is another way to help our community locally by donating our time to help and serve men and women with intellectual disabilities. There are several ways to get involved with Opportunity Village, you can get help by working with these wonderful people or assisting in many events that raise money and awareness.  My favourite event of the year is to volunteer is when the winter magical forest is open. The forest is run 100% by volunteers for nearly a month, so there is a great need for people to assist.


Volunteers often overlook the opportunities to do something out of the norm and truly amazing. Join a bone marrow donor registry and possibly save a life!  Blood cancer is cured by the kindness of another human being and is one of the few cancers that is easily cured. 

Sometimes bone marrow is not even required, a donor may just need to donate specialized blood cells from their blood.  In addition, if it is required of you to travel to your recipient's state, all expenses are covered by the patient's insurance or the organisation.  So why not save a life, it may hurt a little but not even close to the immense discomfort a survivor faces during their fight.


An organization I am hoping to join is "IS VOLUNTEERS". It is something you pay for but is also “out of the norm” and an opportunity of a lifetime. Basically you travel abroad for a month, the first two weeks you work on a volunteer project which could be building new schools or environmental conservation and the last two weeks you get leisure time explore that country. ISV is a great way to travel abroad and feel good about it.  They have vast opportunities in locations and the type of work one could participate in and can even assign a pre-medical student to work in the area they are specialising in.


Also, if you are looking to just volunteer and travel for free CNN has a great article on their top ten picks to join.


You're an inspiration to countless people, what motivates you?


I believe as long as I can be thankful for the opportunities and individuals I have in my life I can be happy and with happiness nothing can get me down.  I try not to sweat the small things and think outside the box to solve the significant obstacles in my way. Whenever I get frustrated or have a bad day I tell myself, “Okay Arianna, start counting the things you are grateful for!” and I find that I calm down and feel motivated to end my day on a positive note.  When you are thankful you are happy and yes it is that easy is to be HAPPY!

From the Bon Voyage Friends Archives...

Sharing the strength & support of sisters

Update on Sister Arianna and Adpi's Endearing Sisterhood 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Travel Tuesday: Exploring and Eating-Featuring the William F.Harrah College of Hotel Administration at UNLV

Recently, I attended a wonderful dinner organised by a capstone class of graduating students in the William F. Harrah Hotel College at UNLV. Their professor has excellent relations with wineries and beverage companies from around the globe and offers wine tastings throughout the year, this semester he started something new-a series of four course dinners with beverage pairings. 

University campuses are great venues to experience a city, they offer a wide range of activities often for free or for a minimal expense, including- performing arts, museums, food events, historical exhibits, and cultural experiences. 

The dinner events sold out quickly!!! The theme for the April 23rd dinner was The Golden Belly Beer and for only $15 (super bargain!!!) patrons enjoyed a delightful four course meal and beer pairing.

These gatherings teach the students how to run a  budgets, room design, menus, management, back and front of the house operations, vendor relations, and so much more!!! Truly a learning laboratory!

Students: Max, Capri, and Christopher.

The dinner events sold out quickly!!! The theme for the April 23rd dinner was The Golden Belly Beer and for only $15 (super bargain!!!) patrons enjoyed a delightful four course meal and beer pairing.
These gatherings teach the students how to run a  budgets, room design, menus, management, back and front of the house operations, vendor relations, and so much more!!! Truly a learning laboratory! great and we also received a detailed description of the beers served with each course. 


Currywurst: An all-time German classic consisting of crispy grilled pork sausage topped with a curry based sauce. 


Entree 1
Barcelona Slider: Barcelona beef slider, arugula tossed in olive oil, red wine vinegar with aioli and brie cheese, accompanied with pan fried potatoes. 

Beer: Goose Island Sofie-6.5% 

Entree 2  
Rotisserie Chicken: Tender rotisserie chicken prepared with a citrus mixture of spices to enhance the flavours accompanied with grilled lemony asparagus.   

Beer: Cisco Grey Lad-4.5% ABV

Raspberry Chocolate Lava Cake: Cupcake size chocolate cake with warm melted chocolate in the middle and topped with raspberries.

Beer: Coronado Blue Bridge Coffee Stou- 5.4% ABV 

Thank you to the students and their professor for showcasing some of the great talent one can find at a local university! We hope you explore the possibility of visiting a campus during your travels and discovering culture, art, and cuisine. Bon Voyage!!! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Motivation Monday: Celebrating Earth Day, 5 Activities Around the World

Earth Day 2015 will be celebrated globally on April 22nd. The 1970 brainchild of United States Senator, Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day has grown to a worldwide effort during the last 45 years and we are happy to share some of the activities planned for 2015.  Earth Day Network based in Washington, D.C., USA, champions for the communities around the worldwide action throughout the year.

At Bon Voyage Friends, we love the outdoors!!! During our 2014 Annual Holiday, we had a lovely visit to the Osborne House on the Isle of  Wight in England. We came across the majestic tree pictured below and I was inspired to pair the photo with a Native American Proverb. "We do not inherit the earth, we borrow it from our children." How simple and true. I hope you are inspired to show love, gratitude and kindness for the earth.

Below are five activities taking place in honour of this year's festivities. They are countless others this coming Wednesday and activities are encouraged throughout the year. Can't attend an event but still want to take action? Pick one or pick many causes to participate in: plant a tree, start composting, reduce the carbon footprint, restore the canopy, buy local produce and much more!!! Visit

Source for activities:


Corporate employees from Tokio Millennium Bermuda will be teaming up with the school children at Victor Scott Primary to plant a butterfly garden, paint an inspirational mural and do a litter clean up on campus. The projects are being coordinated as part of FEE’s ECO-Schools Bermuda programme by Greenrock and Keep Bermuda Beautiful. All projects have a focus on environmental education for students and adults in celebration of Earth Day 2015 in Bermuda.

Nevada – Reno, USA

Reno Earth Day 2015: April 26, 2015 from 10 Am-6 PM The Earth Day event in Reno has grown to become a regional phenomenon. Over 20,000 people come from all over the High Sierra area to take part in this shared day of celebrating the planet we share. The 40 acres of Idlewild Park are filled each year with new activities and programs to increase outreach, engagement with the community/region and retention of knowledge that carries over into everyday practices. Join us to explore 300+ exhibits, 3 workshop classrooms, special topic themed areas and interactive activities all in a festival environment with 4 stages of live entertainment, arts and crafts, food and drinks, and games and prizes for everyone.

London, England 

Earth Day London boasts an eclectic agenda of Earth Day events including the Earth Day Community Fayre in Kingsbury. There, environmentally conscious Londoners can participate in games and competitions, sell and purchase homemade crafts, and watch educational, eco-related films.

Meanwhile, eco-conscious gentlemen and ladies who love comedy as much as the Earth’s environment stop by Udderberry Festival to hear hilarious jokes by some of the world’s finest stand-up comedians and watch a set or two of a popular improv troupe’s act.
No longer home to excessive amounts of industrial smog, London is now one of the best cities to celebrate Earth Day in the entire world.

Romania – Transylvania

The events dedicated to the Earth Day are taking place indoors and outdoors: 1. Virtual Exhibition with posters and supportive messages for our planet. 2. Educational software about Gaia 3. Models of ecological houses used in Sahara Desert 4. Identifying solutions for transforming the desert into green oasis 5. Planting trees 6. Musical Show 7. Human-Sandwich people who promote the idea of salvation 8. Web page about the valences of the water and how to keep it in optimal conditions 9. Hugging trees in town’s central park.


The heart space of love and saving our planet ~ International Children’s Month ~ International Children Love Earth 2015 is thrilled to be partnered with Earth Day 2015. On April in partnership with Keep The Waters Flowing and ICM we put out the call to “Shape Your Future, Shape Our Earth” it’s Earth Day of Clay! Get some clay and create your most favorite thing on earth. Then leave it out as an offering for the heart of Mother Earth and to love all her elements. Sacred water wheel ceremonies, fire ceremonies, and heart opening ceremonies will all be featured on the Free Hub of International Children’s Month. Lastly help us create a 2600 Protected Corridor through the Amazon Rain Forest with ICM, Black Jaguar Foundation, you and the One For One ~ Campaign. Receive the message from mother earth One for just $1 that goes to create the protected corridor. Get involved and check it all out on Thank you Earth Day Participants !!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Savoury Saturday: Di's Kitchen, Lamb Stew

With a household of boys, I need to master some 'man food', so my current menu item to tackle is the traditional English pie for 'Friday Piedays'!

I started off with inspiration from Jamie Oliver's Lovely Lamb pie recipe, which doesn't come in an online version. 

I changed it up a bit because I don't like kidneys as an ingredient and I didn't have all the lamb trimmings because I was using frozen leftovers.

The mixture didn't reduce, so I had to scoop out the veg with a slotted spoon. I did add a cup of beef gravy and some McCormack Steak seasoning to add a bit of extra flavour.

It's a delicious recipe, both my husband & I had will definitely be repeated!

Bon appétit!!

 Jamie Oliver's Lovely Lamb Stew


  • 2 red onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 smal celeriac
  • olive oil
  • 1 bunch of fresh thyme (30g)
  • optional: 1 fresh bay leaf 
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • optional: leftover lamb gravy and bones 
  • 1x400g tin of lentils
  • 300g puff pastry
  • 1 large egg

Peel the onions, carrots and celeriac, then chop everything into 1cm dice and put into a large casserole pan on a medium-low heat with lamb dripping if you have it, or a lug of oil, a pinch of salt and plenty of pepper.

Strip in the thyme leaves and add a bay leaf if you've got one, then cook for 30 minutes, stirring regularly. Cooking it slowly like this will create the most amazing depth of flavor for the pie filling.

Stir the flour and mustard into the pan, then add the Worcestershire sauce, 1.5 liters of boiling water and any leftover gravy and lamb bones from the mothership lamb recipe, if you have them. Reduce to a low heat, cover, and cook gently for 1 hour, or until thickened and reduced, stirring occasionally. Remove any bones, season to perfection, then remove from the heat leave to cool. Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F / Gas 4

Once the pie filling is cool, shred the lamb into the pan, then drain and add the lentils and mix well. Tip into a pie dish (roughly 25cm x 30cm). On a flour-dusted surface, roll out the pastry so it's slightly bigger than your dish and the thickness of a pound coin, then score very lightly in a criss-cross fashion. Beat the egg and brush around the rim of the dish. Roll the pastry around your rolling pin and unroll over the dish. Press to stick, then brush the pastry with more egg wash and bake for 30 to 40 minutes at the bottom of the over, or until the filling is piping hot and the pastry is golden brown. Delicious served with seasonal greens and an extra dollop of mustard.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Savoury Saturday: Oscar's Cafe in Springdale, Utah

Oscar's Cafe is a delicious restaurant located in Springdale, Utah and is an ideal eatery to visit en route to or from Zion National Park. We highly recommend this great eatery!! 

Beautiful view surrounding Oscar's Cafe!! 

The friendly staff, relaxing ambiance, healthy menu, and nature's beauty are worth the visit!!! Their menu offers a variety of choices including: Vegeterian,  Salads, Burgers, Wraps, and Vegan. There's something for everyone to fancy!! 

My friend Tiffany and I tried the Special of the Day-Ahi Tacos and the Portabella Mushroom Burger. 

We enjoyed the tacos while sitting outside on a crisp day, the staff kindly turned on the patio heaters so patrons could warm up!! 

The Portabella Mushroom Burger was delicious and is a great option for vegetarians. If you're a fan of sweet potato fries- you will love Oscar's sweet potato fries!!

Entrees range from $11-$14 and the portions are typical American size (massive,) we could have easily been content with sharing one entree and a side salad. We didn't have room for dessert, which looked amazing. They offer house made Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting or a Volcano Brownie Sunday. 

For a tranquil experience, sit outside and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature. 

If you are in the area, dining at Oscar's is a must!! You will be delighted with their great food, staff, and surroundings. For more information visit:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Treat Thursday: Crunchy Oaty Biscuits from Mary Berry

We love creating and sharing at Bon Voyage Friends! It always brings a smile to my face when I think of all the incredible adventures we continue to have, whether it be in Di's hometown of Lymington or a city outside of England. We always have a grand time!!! Oh,
how excited I am for the annual holiday we will embark on later this year when we visit Germany!! 

Di's kitchen has certainly been a place where we have laughed on and on as we created savoury and sweet delights!!! In 2010 we hosted Thanksgiving (yes, leave it to two American girls to celebrate Thanksgiving in England.) Di is a British citizen, but traditions are grand!! We enjoy culinary adventures!! 

I just love books and am delighted I have built a collection of British and European cookbooks over the years-many kindly given to me by Di. One of the books Di recently gave me was written by Mary Berry-she's a favourite of BVF!! 

We hope you enjoy this recipe for Crunchy Oaty Biscuits. The recipe does call for Golden Syrup but for our friends outside of the UK, substitute clear, thin (runny) honey or if you feel ambitious and have the time this video link from Todd's Kitchen has step by step directions: 

How to Make Golden Syrup 

Roll up your sleeves, grab a cuppa, and get creative. Happy Baking and Bon Appétite!!! 


Mary Berry's crunchy oaty biscuits are quick and easy to make and terrifically moreish


  • 175 g self-raising flour
  • 75 g porridge oats
  • 175 g granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 175 g butter
  • 2 tbsp golden syrup


  • 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4. Grease 2 large baking trays.
  • 2. Put the flour, oats, sugar, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder into a mixing bowl.
  • 3. Put the butter and golden syrup into a pan, heat over a low heat, stirring until the butter has melted and combined with the syrup. Pour into the mixing bowl and stir until combined. You may need to use your hands to keep the dough together.
  • 4. Turn out of the bowl onto a work surface and divide into about 28 and shape into balls, about 2cm thick.
  • 5. Arrange on the baking trays, not too close to each other as they spread. Press the tops to flatten a little.
  • 6. Bake for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown and firm. Remove from the oven and using a fish slice, transfer to a cooling rack to cool and firm up. 
Note: For a slight variation, wait until the biscuits have cooled completely-drizzle or top with melted chocolate. Yum!!! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

WLFEO Wednesday: Featuring Adpi Sister Michelle Schenck's 5 Student-Friendly Budget Places to Eat in London

We are so excited to introduce you to Alpha Delta Pi sister, Michelle Schenck.

Michelle is a senior at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and is studying Hotel Administration. 

She spent the Fall 2014 semester abroad   studying in London and looks forward to returning someday. Michelle loves exploring the world, she was most fortunate to spend her early years in Germany with her family while her father served in the US military (what an honour) to grow up in an environment abroad and witness her dad's service to the Armed Forces.  

We hope you enjoy these places to eat at in London. Bon Appétit!! 

Michelle's Student-Friendly Budget Places to Eat in London. Check out these hot spots for deals under £15.

Honest Burger - Delicious gourmet burgers and they have a good special called Bruges.

Camino- Really good tapas place right by the Kings Cross Station.

GBK- "Gourmet Burger Kitchen" is delicious!!! Great specials too.

Nando's - London's best chicken restaurant - they use peri peri sauce of all different levels of spiciness. One of my absolute favourites because it's very "London".

Euston Rocket - Traditional pub food, quite a lively place.

Wagamama - A favourite of my friends!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Treat Thursday: The Beauty of Culinary Art, The French Crêpe

Crêpes Stands are easy to find all throughout Paris! To me, it's a beautiful form of culinary art. 

We are happy to share a recipe below and hope you are inspired to make these sweets (or savoury) cuisine in your kitchen! 

A vendor near the Eiffel Tower creates crêpes!  

A massive jar of Nutella at the same Crêpe stand near the Eiffel. 

Crêpe memory while visiting the Rue Mouffetard in the Latin Quarters with our Adpi sister Krystle in December of 2013.  

This recipe is courtesy of Martha Stewart 
and includes a how to video. Bon Appétite!!  

Simple Crepes Recipe


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled) 
  • 1 tablespoon sugar 
  • 1/4 teaspoon coarse salt 
  • 1 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 4 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 


  1. In a blender, combine flour, sugar, salt, milk, eggs, and butter. 

  2. Puree until mixture is smooth and bubbles form on top, about 30 seconds. Let batter sit at least 15 minutes at room temperature (or refrigerate in an airtight container, up to 1 day; whisk before using). 

  3. Heat a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium. Lightly coat with butter. Add 1/3 cup batter and swirl to completely cover bottom of skillet. Cook until underside of crepe is golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes. 

  4. Loosen edge of crepe with a rubber spatula, then with your fingertips, quickly flip. Cook 1 minute more. Slide crepe out of skillet and repeat with remaining batter. (Coat pan with butter as needed.) 


Using a blender ensures a smooth crepe batter that has the consistency of heavy cream.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WLFEO Wednesday: The Beauty of Friendship and Sisterhood

During our annual adventures and bonus holidays we have created the best of memories. One of my favorite quotes is "We didn't know we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." Although I can't find who to attribute the quote to, it's so beautiful. 

In September 2014 and March 2015 we had a first for BVF, we celebrated both of our birthdays. How special!!
Here we are at The George Hotel celebrating Di's birthday. 

I am so incredibly grateful for the gift of friendship and sisterhood that began in Alpha Delta Pi. I cherish the friendship Di and I have. 

What a joy to celebrate my birthday in London!!! 

We had such a wonderful time in London, and although short it was amazing to catch up and I got to meet beautiful baby Ollie! So precious!! 

Di and I have certainly experienced countless and wonderful memories together. I look forward to our 2015 annual adventures in December. Germany, here we come!!! 

To our collegiate sisters, always know regardless of time or distance-the beauty and friendship of Adpi will always lead you back to your sisters.