Thursday, April 9, 2015

Treat Thursday: Crunchy Oaty Biscuits from Mary Berry

We love creating and sharing at Bon Voyage Friends! It always brings a smile to my face when I think of all the incredible adventures we continue to have, whether it be in Di's hometown of Lymington or a city outside of England. We always have a grand time!!! Oh,
how excited I am for the annual holiday we will embark on later this year when we visit Germany!! 

Di's kitchen has certainly been a place where we have laughed on and on as we created savoury and sweet delights!!! In 2010 we hosted Thanksgiving (yes, leave it to two American girls to celebrate Thanksgiving in England.) Di is a British citizen, but traditions are grand!! We enjoy culinary adventures!! 

I just love books and am delighted I have built a collection of British and European cookbooks over the years-many kindly given to me by Di. One of the books Di recently gave me was written by Mary Berry-she's a favourite of BVF!! 

We hope you enjoy this recipe for Crunchy Oaty Biscuits. The recipe does call for Golden Syrup but for our friends outside of the UK, substitute clear, thin (runny) honey or if you feel ambitious and have the time this video link from Todd's Kitchen has step by step directions: 

How to Make Golden Syrup 

Roll up your sleeves, grab a cuppa, and get creative. Happy Baking and Bon Appétite!!! 


Mary Berry's crunchy oaty biscuits are quick and easy to make and terrifically moreish


  • 175 g self-raising flour
  • 75 g porridge oats
  • 175 g granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 175 g butter
  • 2 tbsp golden syrup


  • 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4. Grease 2 large baking trays.
  • 2. Put the flour, oats, sugar, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder into a mixing bowl.
  • 3. Put the butter and golden syrup into a pan, heat over a low heat, stirring until the butter has melted and combined with the syrup. Pour into the mixing bowl and stir until combined. You may need to use your hands to keep the dough together.
  • 4. Turn out of the bowl onto a work surface and divide into about 28 and shape into balls, about 2cm thick.
  • 5. Arrange on the baking trays, not too close to each other as they spread. Press the tops to flatten a little.
  • 6. Bake for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown and firm. Remove from the oven and using a fish slice, transfer to a cooling rack to cool and firm up. 
Note: For a slight variation, wait until the biscuits have cooled completely-drizzle or top with melted chocolate. Yum!!! 

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