Wednesday, July 23, 2014

WLFEO Wednesday: Update on Sister Arianna and Adpi's EndearingSisterhood

Photo credit:

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and well wishes for our Alpha Delta Pi Sister Arianna.
Photo credit: Arianna's Instagram photo. So happy she is on the road to recovery!

We are pleased to share that after eight hours of surgery, the doctors at UCLA Medical Center successfully removed the vein mass in her brain and she does not have cancer. Arianna will be recovering in California for the next few weeks before returning to Las Vegas. 

The power of prayer, family, and sisterhood! Arianna, we are so immensely proud of your strength and courage. The road to healing may have some speed bumps along the way but know you're in the thoughts and prayers of countless sisters worldwide. 

Photo credit: Arianna's Instagram photo with her diamond sister, Sam
Adpi's sisterhood is certainly special and unique. Regardless of the time or geography that seperate us from each other, the bond of sisterhood is always with us. WLFEO 

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