Wednesday, July 16, 2014

WLFEO Wed- sharing the strength & support of sisters

We often talk about how we met in Alpha Delta Pi and how proud we are to be sisters in the world's first secret society for college women. There's a saying often used in sorority and fraternity life "From the outside looking in, you can never understand it. From the inside looking out, you can never explain it."  

We have a story to share about one of our sister's from our chapter at UNLV and we hope it gives you a glimpse of the amazing sisterhood of Alpha Delta Pi. Arianna is a senior majoring in pre-biology and she is beautiful inside out. Arianna is a true inspiration. Tomorrow, she will undergo brain surgery at UCLA medical center and her immense strength, faith, positive outlook and sheer will are beyond admirable. 

Keep smiling Arianna! 

Although she's experiencing the unimaginable, we are moved by the support the sisters have given to her at UNLV and beyond. Her physician has given her supporters the nickname "Arianna's Army". 

The UCLA sisters have never met Arianna and they still jumped in to help.  They have opened their home for Las Vegas sisters to stay at so they can visit Arianna post surgery. The sisterhood of Alpha Delta Pi is more than a campus chapter and we are touched by the gesture of kindness the UCLA chapter has shown to Arianna. Thank you sisters!! 

For our readers outside the US and Canada who may not be familiar with what a sorority is. It may be easy to imagine a sorority is something like what you've seen in the movies. A sorority is a circle of sisterhood that not only creates lifelong friendships, it's a family that supports each other through the different roads of life-in happy and challenging times. 

Arianna, you have touched our hearts and know your sisters are cheering for you from all around the world. We know you are in the hands of the most gifted surgeons, surrounded by endless love from your family, and have strength in faith. 

To our readers and friends around the globe. Please keep our sister Arianna in your thoughts and prayers. WLFEO 

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