Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Paris Restaurant, it's Ćest Magnifque!!!

It's amazing how food experiences can connect us to fond memories. Think back to your childhood and a specialty your grandmother made, that you wish you could still have today, since it brings back happy times. Or, the best dessert you ever had while on holiday and so on. 

A BVF favourite in Paris is the Relais 
de l'Entrecôte (RE) located at  20 rue, St. Benoit. It's a fab restaurant and its right near Café de Flore, where Ernest Hemingway would frequent. Love the history!  

Diana and her dad discovered this restaurant while on holiday with her brother a few years ago. 

Last year, during our adventures in Paris, we enjoyed a wonderful time at RE!! We sat next to a Parisian woman, accompanied by her husband. She was wearing a fur coat and had a tiny dog next to her, too cute!!! 

There is no dinner menu, you read that correctly. Once seated, you are asked how you would like your steak prepared. Then you receive a delicious plate of salad lightly tossed in dijon dressing and topped with walnuts, plus crispy bread-of course!! 

What makes RE really unique is something we've never experience elsewhere. No wonder a line forms outside for dinner!! So, what makes this place so different, aside from not having a dinner menu? Half of your steak is served to you with endless pomme frites, while the remainder is placed on a tray, which is kept warm above a set of burning candles. The steak has an amazing buttery and lightly seasoned sauce, a delicious accompaniment to the pomme frites. 

If you desire a simple yet exquisite French dining experience, add this to your 'must try' list. If your heart desires, end the evening with a delicious dessert-they have a lovely selection of sweets to choose from. 

Bon Appétit!!!

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