Thursday, December 12, 2013

Adpi's amazing sisterhood.

What a fabulous week it's been for Alpha Delta Pi sisters connecting abroad. Diana and I had an awesome time in London, it was such a special treat to see her two months in a row!!!

Today in Paris, I had such a fab time with Adpi sister Krystle Richeson. Krystle has been living in Paris, performing in the Crazy Horse.  She is the most incredible and talented dancer I know. As a former Rocket, she graces the stage with such elegance and poise. It's no wonder she was selected to dance in the Crazy Horse in Las Vegas and now in Paris! During her college days, Krystle use to choreograph the performances the sorority participated in, amazing. 

A few months ago-Diana, Krystle, and baby Alfie got together in London and had an amazing time catching up. It had been years since they'd seen each other but it was as though they were back at uni hanging out in the Moyer Student Union at UNLV and no time had passed. Baby Alfie went to London for the first time (adorable) and the sisters had a lovely time. 

Krystle took me to one of her favourite areas in Paris, the Rue Mouffetard-located near the Latin Quarters. This quaint area of Paris offers lots of boutiques, yummy restaurants, fruit markets, cheese shops, and much more! 
We enjoyed a great lunch with dessert and afterwards had another foodie moment...Crepes with: Nutella, coconut, bananas, and chantilly cream. So much food! 

A totally unplanned adventure occurred tonight, we met up with another Adpi sister-Sally Wong! Sally traveled from Hong Kong to Amsterdam for a work conference and came to Paris for a quick holiday. It was perfect timing and great to hear about what's new in her life-she recently got engaged and has been working in Macau for the past 8 months. Exciting! 

Regardless of the distance or time that separates us, it's just so special how we picked up right where we left off. That's sisterhood for a lifetime. 

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