Saturday, December 28, 2013

12 Tips for College Students Traveling Abroad

We were inspired to create a list of 12 BVF tips for our Alpha Delta Pi sisters Sarah Katz and Samantha G. They will be embarking on a fabulous journey abroad tomorrow.  

As Sarah and Samantha prepare for their travels to Amsterdam, Paris, and London-we hope they have a fabulous journey.  

Bon Voyage, Sisters!!! 

Sarah is the recent past president of our UNLV chapter and we are proud of the incredible leader she has become. How fab to be traveling with an Adpi sister. You never know where these journeys together will lead, after all-the idea our of tradition for an annual holiday began in 2004 at a Spanish restaurant in a small Finnish town!! 

12 Tips for College Students Traveling Abroad

🔹Bring your Student ID card to receive discounted and free admission to museums and other places. 

🔹To save money on transportation, buy a reusable pass such as London's Oyster card. Add some funds to begin with, use this card for buses or the underground, and top up as needed. 

🔹Capture pictures and pen fav moments in a journal.  

🔹Just a SEC:  Search, Experience, Culture.  Search and enjoy the environment you're surrounded by, be spontaneous and carefree. Experience as much as you can in the city you're visiting- local cuisine, markets etc. Culture- do something that is specific to the city i.e. Broadway in NYC or Van Gogh in Amsterdam.

🔹Avoid tourist traps: picture menus, tours that aren't offered through the official attractions, etc. Ask the locals to recommend their fav dining spots off the beaten path.  

🔹Download free apps such as XE Currency Exchange or language apps offered by Odyssey Translator that work sans Internet and can be useful tools. 

🔹Share a table. In a crowded pub or restaurant, the best way to meet new people is to share a table with others. Immerse yourself in learning and have fun, you never know the next stranger you meet could become a lifelong friend. 

🔹Take a nylon reusable bag with you, it's mini, light weight, and great to have when out wandering and you come across items you want to buy. 

🔹Take a SIP: Safety Is Priority. Register your travels with government agencies such as the @TravelGov STEP program or @FCOtravel.  It's easy to let your guard down when traveling, don't do it. Grab a friend and explore together. Learn your local emergency numbers
Leave a copy of your passport with your family or a close friend. 

🔹If your budget allows, try to pick one nice meal out for a glamorous experience. Try lunch at a local hot spot to save money.  

🔹Find grocery stores or markets for low cost meals on the go, unique finds, and gifts! 

🔹Contact your mobile phone carrier to find out options and fees for traveling abroad. Be sure to notify your credit card companies and bank of your future travels, to avoid a security freeze on your accounts. 

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