Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Adventure- Baby on board

In an ideal world we could keep life as we knew it pre-baby, but in reality we have to pack four times the amount! 
I used to chuck a summer dress & pair of undies into a large handbag & hope on a plane to France to visit a friend for a couple days. 
Now it's a mini suitcase minimum and I need to source all of his accessories down route! My first flight was just that and made super easy. I thought wow travelling with a four month old is so easy- priority security, priority boarding- it was like being elevated to VIP status just for having a baby! 
So Alfie joined us on our 10th annual adventure- reality check! Travelling with a baby is not easy! We can't take a taxi because we don't have a car seat, need to book a cot at the apartment, need a lift to use the underground, the list goes on... 

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