Friday, March 14, 2014

Festive Friday: 5 St. Patrick Day Traditions Around the World

In just a few days, many around the world will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day on March 17th.

St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland, although he was born in Britain! The day is an official holiday in Ireland and over time has become a tradition around the world, especially in the United States. To learn more about St. Patrick, visit this great link from the History Channel.

5 St. Patrick Day Traditions around the world.

1. Parades: One of the largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the world is held in NY, NY with an expected 2 million spectators. The parade in Dublin, Ireland will draw approximately 400,000 this year! The St. Patrick’s Day parade traditions began in 1737 in Boston, Massachusetts and New York City 1n 1762.           
2.   Green River: Tomorrow the famed Chicago River in the US, will be transformed to a sea of green, this time honored tradition has continued for over 40 years.

3.   Cheers! What would a celebration be without a traditional drink? According to USA Today, the most popular drink on St. Patrick’s Day is Guinness. Typically, an average of 600,000 pints are consumed on a daily basis in the US, but that number increases five-fold with a consumption of 3 million pints are consumed!

4.   Eat: Although many are familiar with corned beef and cabbage, the traditional meal for St. Patrick’s Day is Irish Lamb Stew. Try this recipe from and pair it Irish Soda Bread from BVF’s March 13th blog

5.   Blessings:  Irish blessings some of the beautiful and well known blessings. "Beannachta na File Pdraig oraibh Translation:  "St. Patrick's Day blessing upon you."        
                                                                                                                                                                                           Here is another Irish blessing we wish to share with you. 
Dublin’s annual parade is the largest in the world, followed by those in New York City and Birmingham, England. - See more at:

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