Wednesday, March 12, 2014

5 Staycation Ideas

The UNLV chapter of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority just had a fun staycation in Las Vegas! Our sisters inspired us to create a list of 5 simple ideas for a staycation.  

1. For the kiddos, have them build  a tent/fortress and "camp" indoors. Broil hot dogs, make s'mores, and tell stories  to get the authentic camp feel. 

2. Book a spa day or overnight stay at a local boutique hotel. 

3. Spend a day at a town or city nearby that you normally don't go to: such as Beaulieu or Boulder City. Try new things such a different type of cuisine and try to meet new people. 

Beautiful Beaulieu 

Beautiful Boulder City 

4. Go on a hike, pack a picnic basket, and enjoy a close by national treasure such as the New Forest or Redrock. 

5. Culinary tour. Spend a day trying different local bites. Create your own culinary tour by planning a few food stops such as a light starter at a new place or a fav spot, dinner somewhere else and top it off with dessert at an entirely new place. London and Las Vegas are ideal for this since there are endless choices, but you cancustomize your own tour anywhere with dining options in close proximity to each other. 


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