Friday, February 21, 2014

5 Tips for Hosting a Themed Party

A BVF fav is bringing together friends and family to celebrate special occasions. We love entertaining, creating, and hosting themed gatherings. Recently, Monica hosted a “Welcome Baby McKenna” party to celebrate the birth of her friend Angela’s newest addition to her family-the beautiful McKenna Michele. It was a delightful afternoon to welcome baby McKenna and introduce her to excited friends and family.

1. Select a theme add accents: Pick your theme and design the special occasion around it.  For welcoming baby McKenna, pink was the perfect color to accent an afternoon of bubbles and sweets. To add a special touch of color, pink bows were glued to the plastic champagnes glasses. 

2. A variety of options: For the "bubbles and sweets" gathering, we served champagne and an alcohol free sparkling pomegranate cranberry drink. We had almond lacey cookies (look for the recipe in a future Thursday Treat recipe), creme puffs, chocolates, fresh fruit with a vanilla yogurt dip, and a candy bar. Give guests a variety so there are options everyone can enjoy! 

Personalize: To make the event extra special, we had a cake made with a  welcome "Princess McKennna" message. 

Party favors for the guests: A candy bar is super easy to put together, select a few types of candy and display the candy in a variety of dishes. Guests enjoyed the candy throughout the gathering and made to-go bags for later. 

A special memento for the guest of honor: Special wishes for McKenna were a success! We all wrote down warm thoughts on pre printed sheets of paper to send home with Angela. A nice touch to end the gathering!! Make your own template for guests to use, simple and thoughtful! 

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