Thursday, February 27, 2014

A BVF Personal Story: Friendship, Family, and Dessert-A Perfect Trio

Visiting Di in her hometown of Lymington,UK, has become a cherished tradition of its own and I consider Lymington a home away from home. Its a lovely place to spend time and a quaint town with easy to walk quarters, gorgeous views, friendly faces, the stunning New Forest, walks along the seawall, Saturday markets, and so much more!! Look for our future blog posting on our BVF Favs in Lymington!

 During our annual adventures for over 10 years, getting to our destinations have been adventures of their own. In 2008, Di and Phil picked me up from Gatwick Airport and we went straight to Brighton for traditional British food and a stroll along the boardwalk. Clearly, I had not learned from previous visits abroad and for some odd reason, I thought an order of fish and chips would be tailored to the American palate. What do you mean there is skin on the fish and mint in the peas?...I still giggle when I think of that day. 

Fast forward to 2010, due to extreme weather we had to adjust our travel plans back to the UK and said goodbye at the airport in Prague, Czech Republic and a year later we reunited at the airport in Atlanta, Georgia. Our travel adventures have truly been a gift, even unexpected bumps along the way, like the time we missed our morning train to Paris proved to be memorable-we laughed uncontrollably and enjoyed breakfast while we waited for the next train. What better way to start a morning and journey, than by laughing? Set aside catching planes, trains, and automobiles for our adventures-spending time in Lymington is always delightful, the warmth from Di and Phil's families make me feel so welcome and I never feel as though I am just visiting-I adore them! Experiencing unfamiliar environments is important for the full travel experience, being comfortable far away from home is extra special and I am so blessed to feel as though I am a member of the fam.

One of my absolute fav activities while visiting Lymington, are the wonderful family dinners. In 2012, we spent our annual holiday in Paris and returned to Lymington with countless stories to share about our Paris photo session with Pierre (oh yes, another future blog entry). Since I was already on that side of the world, it was good timing to travel to Belgium to visit my friend Mike, for a few days. On the train ride back to the UK, Di e mailed me to let me know we were going to her in-laws for dinner, that evening. I insisted on making dessert to bring over, my mom would frown upon me ever showing up without a present for the hosts. But what to make? I could have bought dessert from the store, but bringing homemade dessert was more meaningful to me. I had just made an American version of trifle a few days prior and was delighted when it received positive reviews! Di got out her cookbook and we began to strategize (what would we do without e mail?!) and voila- cream puffs and eclairs. 

As soon as I arrived back to Lymington, I started baking and was so excited to share these tasty treats with everyone. As Di knows, I love to bake and prefer baking to cooking, any day!! The cream puff recipe was identical to the recipe I have used in Las Vegas, which was perfect so no modifications from the norm had to be made. Since the batter for eclairs is identical to cream puffs (just a different shape), I thought I would just go by memory for the chocolate glaze recipe-I’ve made it several times before, not a big deal. Hmmmm, that was almost as good of an idea as ordering fish and chips in Brighton. The consistency of the chocolate was not right and I used all of the semi-sweet chocolate. Di to rescue! Although we were cutting close to the time we had to leave for the family dinner, she went to the grocery store to get more chocolate and butter. Such an amazing friend, she’s always there for me!!

 The cream puffs and eclairs were a success! What a compliment for the purveyors of fine desserts and delectable treats to fancy the pastries I made. Success!! Although these pastries look difficult to make, with some added patience and time, they are a simple pastry to create. We hope you enjoy the recipe below.

In closing, regardless if we are having a cuppa, climbing frozen steps up to the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, missing trains, celebrating Alfie's Christening, going off the beaten path, or having family dinners- these moments are a testament to the special bond of sisterhood and friendship we have. Each year we pick up right where we left off from when we said goodbye and continue our journey of friendship and adventures. May you be blessed with fabulous friendships, amazing food, and wonderful memories.  Bon Voyage and Bon Appétite!

Cream Puffs & Eclairs


Makes 10 medium cream puff or 8 eclairs

1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
4 eggs
Filling:Whipped cream or ice cream 
Eclair Chocolate Glaze 

1. In medium saucepan melt butter. Add 1 cup water;bring to boiling. Add flour and salt all at once;stir vigorously. Cook and stir til mixture forms a ball that doesn’t separate (step 1). Remove from heat; cool about 10 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating with a wooden spoon about 30 seconds after each addition.

2. For large puffs, drop dough by heaping tablespoonfuls 3 inches apart onto greased baking sheet (or use Reynolds Wrap foil). Bake in 400° oven about 30 minutes or till golden brown and puffy’ split puffs in half with a sharp paring knife, remove any soft dough from the center. Cool on wire rack. For eclairs: Spoon dough into a pastry or plastic bag, pipe dough about 5 inches long and 1and 1/2 inches wide. Same temperature and baking time.

3. Filling: Fill with sweetened whipped cream: 2 cups heavy whipping cream, 2 tsp vanilla, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar. Beat with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Fill cream puffs and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Variation: if serving immediately, try vanilla ice cream. 

4. Filling: Fill with sweetened whipped cream: 2 cups heavy whipping cream, 2 tsp vanilla, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar. Beat with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Fill cream puffs and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Variation: if serving immediately, try vanilla ice cream. 

5. Eclairs Chocolate Glaze: Melt 2 ounces semi-sweet chocolate and 2 tablespoon unsalted butter. Remove from heat. Stir in 1 cup sifted powdered sugar and 2 to 3 tablespoons of hot water to make a glazing consistency. Cool and dip the top portion of the eclair for an even coat, fill with sweetened whipped cream. Recipe from the 1980 edition of Better Homes and Gardens:Gourmet Recipes Made Easy.  

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