Monday, April 21, 2014

Motivation Monday: Why Sir Richard Branson is an Inspiration

Several years ago, I had the incredible opportunity of working as a hostess for Virgin Atlantic Airways. During my four years with VA, I was given a once in a lifetime experience of traveling the world for work, while being a member of a innovative company that Sir Richard Branson founded. The memories I have during my time with VA are priceless, I not only was able to explore the world-it was a time in my life where I experienced a journey of self discovery. I was inspired to create a business and utilized the skills I learned to take a leap and become an entrepreneur.  Virgin Atlantic is a dynamic company to work for and the pride I gained for VA continues today, the fundamentals I learned were instrumental in building the foundation for my holistic beauty therapy business. Sir Richard Branson exemplifies being a risk taker, innovator, leader, and visionary. He demonstrates that no matter how small or big your dreams are, that with determination and diligence anything is possible. Cheers to Sir Branson for being an inspiration to me, Bon Voyage Friends and countless people around the world. 

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