Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Travel Tuesday: The Beauty of the Opéra National de Paris ( Paris Opera House)

Although I've been blessed with the gift of travelling to Paris three times prior to earlier this month, each visit brings new eye opening moments and cherishable memories.  My friends Swati, Maisie, and I visited the Opéra National de Paris (Paris Opera House) and what a beautiful visit it was. 

Just finding the entrance to the opera house was an epic experience. We kept circling around and around until we came upon the hidden point of entry. Humorous indeed, it's best to be light hearted and have fun in life, even if it takes longer than expected to find an entrance to a venue. I'm still laughing about that venture. Love it!!! 

The Paris Opera House was just stunning, what a beautiful day-as you can see from the photo below!! 

It's as gorgeous from the interior as it is from the exterior. It was a beautiful day and there was a wonderful street musician performing right outside of the steps where he had a full audience of lunch goers enjoying the weather. The moment reminded me of the flute player at the Louvre I stumbled upon one evening in December of 2013 and it was a reminder to just stop and listen to the music of life. 

Below are a few pictures to provide a glimpse of the beauty inside. 

What a grand entrance, stunning architecture. 

This lobby is adjacent to the ticket office. Self guided tours cost of the Palais Garnier are €10

A student works on his assignment. There were students throughout the Paris Opera House, creating!! What a gift to be able to capture on paper, what the eyes see! 

A library of musical collections, musical movements! 

Flash photography isn't allowed inside, but I hope you still can see past the lack of lighting and see the beauty. 

The ceiling and chandillier inside of the Opera House. 

View of the stage, performances take place throughout the year! 

Another student artist recreating the beauty of what's before her eyes. 

One of my favourite moments. I just marveled at the beauty of the art in front of me. I also thought about the Disney cartoon Anastasia, childhood nostalgia. The moment reminded me of the ballroom dancing scene from the movie. Oh, how I wish I could have danced there! 

Visiting the Paris Opera House with my friends was ever so special and I look forward to returning someday to see a performance.

May you enjoy the beauty of the places you visit! Bon Voyage!! 

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