Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Travel Tuesday: Pausing...to Listen to the Music in Paris and Daily Life.

By: Monica
I absolutely love how the wonders of travel present unexpected and cherished moments and remind us to enjoy the present. Stepping away from our daily schedule-filled lives, gives us the opportunity to truly pause and listen to the beauty of life’s melody.

During the winter of 2013, I eagerly joined my brother and his graduate school friends during their visit to Paris. Ok…I mean I eagerly invited myself to join my brother and his friends. How could I resist a visit to my favourite city in the world, a city filled with endless wonder and enchantment? I will gladly embark on a visit to Paris during any season. 

One late evening, as we walked around the grounds of the Louvre, I marveled at the sheer beauty of my surroundings. I could not stop smiling as that moment brought back memories from previous visits. 

Suddenly, I was stopped in my tracks. Although the Lourve is a stunning place to visit, it was the beauty of a flute player performing a gorgeous rendition of O Mio Babbino Caro that caught my attention.  

Further enhancing the moment, the architecture of the Louvre and where he was standing- created perfect acoustics and the music was just breathtaking. That moment was a reminder to stop and savour moments at home and during travels, otherwise its so easy to let precious moments slip by.

With each trip I have taken, whether it be a short getaway nearby Las Vegas or a trip across the pond, I learn more about myself with each journey. A favourite quote by David Mitchell, nicely sums up how travel is a journey of self-discovery. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” Indeed, pausing to listen to something so simple, yet so moving-was a lesson in just being in the present. I was only able to capture a brief video, but that moment made me realize how even the smallest moments in life have significant impact.  As I watch the above grainy video I was able to capture on my phone, I am taken back to that very moment when just stopping to literally enjoy the music of a street musician was an awakening of how much I love stumbling upon moments that stop me in my tracks and just embrace the present. 

Cheers to the memories of yesterday, the beauty of the present, and the adventures of tomorrow waiting to be discovered. Bon Voyage!! 

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